Whatsapp broadcasting

WhatsApp Broadcast: Your Complete Business Booster Guide

Update on 22 March 2024

Eager to learn about WhatsApp broadcasting! Will using WhatsApp broadcasting bring ROI to your business?

The answer is “A Big YES”.

With 2 billion WhatsApp users worldwide, it has become the fastest and most effective way to market your business. Bulk WhatsApp broadcasting is one of the most used strategies by businesses to reach hundreds and thousands of users while collecting three times more sales and revenue. Be it big brands like Amazon, Disney, Nykaa, etc., use WhatsApp broadcasting for marketing.

What makes WhatsApp a better choice?

98% of the open rate (compared with email and SMS)

50–65% of conversion rates (compared with emails)

In this blog, you will learn how using WhatsApp Broadcast will make your business flourish with high ROI (return on investment) rates.

Additionally, we’ll discuss how to do WhatsApp broadcasting for both Business App and WhatsApp Business API

We’ll also tell you how to send bulk WhatsApp broadcasts without getting blocked by your users. But first,

What is a WhatsApp Broadcast?

Let’s make things clear on WhatsApp Broadcast: it’s nothing but simply having your own sender list in the world of business messaging! While using the WhatsApp Business API, you can send bulk WhatsApp messages to a bunch of users at a time, whether they haven’t added you to their contacts. Sounds interesting, right?

But wait, there’s a condition. You can only send messages to the users who have agreed to the opt-ins for your business WhatsApp Broadcast messages. No spamming here, just good vibes.

With WhatsApp Broadcast, you can send customized messages with a personal touch. Unless you, like other WhatsApp users, use the WhatsApp Business API, your number or name will not be visible to the sender.

You can send the latest arrivals and product-related insights, deliver updates, newsletter subscriptions, notifications, and much more. Below is a sample WhatsApp broadcast message sent via the WhatsApp Business API:


Now, let’s discuss how you can broadcast with the WhatsApp Business App.

How do I send a WhatsApp broadcast while using the WhatsApp Business App?

WhatsApp Business is the ideal option for small businesses that want to send broadcasts to their clients and are fully independent. Broadcasting is a built-in function of WhatsApp Business, which is free to use and simple to set up.

If you don't already have a WhatsApp Business account, you can quickly create one by using this simple instruction.

The WhatsApp broadcasting limit for the business app is 256 distinct users all at once. You can make it work by creating many broadcast lists, even though the numbers are small.

WhatsApp broadcasting is really simple when using the WhatsApp Business App. Create a WhatsApp Business broadcast list with up to 256 contacts and send them messages by following the instructions below:

  • In the WhatsApp Business App, select "New Broadcast" by clicking the three white dots on the right side.
  • Choose which contacts to add to your WhatsApp broadcast list. On the Business App, a broadcast list may contain up to 256 contacts.
  • By selecting the green check box, you may create the broadcast list.

That's it!
It is simple to monitor. Check if the conversations you sent the broadcast have two blue ticks in front of them.

Sending and Regulating WhatsApp Broadcasts to contacts who have added you to their contact list is now possible.

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Limitations of sending a WhatsApp Broadcast through the WhatsApp Business App

Sharing broadcasts via WhatsApp Business might seem like one of the simplest things, but shortcuts always don't work. Let’s dive into some drawbacks that could give a break to your plans:

  • WhatsApp Broadcast has only a 256-contact limit.
  • Limited to two devices (one smartphone and one PC).
  • There is no detailed report of the message you sent.
  • No chat automation and zero chatbot integration.
  • Need human presence to answer a query.
  • People who haven't added you as a contact won’t receive the broadcast.

To attend to a large number of clients, you need a bigger, better platform to send bulk broadcast messages on WhatsApp.

Then here comes the question: how do you send bulk WhatsApp broadcasts to unlimited users?

And the answer is WhatsApp Business API.

The WhatsApp Business API was released along with WhatsApp Business, which enables medium- to large-sized businesses to personalize their customer communications.

You may engage with numerous clients at once using the WhatsApp Business API, send broadcasts to an unlimited number of unique users, automate payment links and abandoned cart alerts, and offer live help and WhatsApp Chatbots for round-the-clock customer service.

How to Broadcast with the WhatsApp Business API

Businesses can send broadcast messages on WhatsApp, such as alerts, announcements, promotional messages, and more, all from a single platform thanks to the WhatsApp Business API.

Nevertheless, to send bulk broadcast messages on WhatsApp, you will need help from a platform that is backed by the WhatsApp Business API, such as Anantya.ai. By partnering with Meta, a platform for business APIs is created, which is known as Anantya.ai.

Now let's look at how Anantya will make your WhatsApp business API journey easier and more convenient to use. Use this platform to bulk WhatsApp sender to send out WhatsApp broadcasts.

How do I apply for the WhatsApp API with Anantya?

If you’re a business thinking about using WhatsApp to chat with your customers, then you’ll definitely want to get your hands on the WhatsApp Business API. It's like the golden opportunity for unlocking a whole bunch of cool features that can really supercharge your customer communication.

With the API, you can do all sorts of amazing stuff, like automation, where you can schedule messages to be sent automatically based on certain triggers. Plus, you can create custom messages tailored specifically to your clients.

And one more thing, let’s not forget about analytics: with the API, you’ll get insights into how your messages are performing, so you can tweak and improve your communication strategy over time.

Getting access to the WhatsApp official API is a game-changer for your business.
  • Business Name Display: Showing your brand name in the chat section will create authentication for your brand image.
  • WhatsApp Phone Number: One should use the WhatsApp phone number specially for your business communication on WhatsApp, and this would be non-transferable.
  • Verified Facebook Business ID: Businesses should need to create a Facebook Business Manager account and verify it by uploading their business documents.

You can further forward these details to Anantya.ai or another WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP) once you've gathered them. By functioning as a middleman between companies and WhatsApp, BSPs make sure that every communication complies with the company's rules.

Just click this link to apply for the WhatsApp business API via Anantya.ai. The Anantya team will help you every step of the way so you can quickly and efficiently set up your API.

As well, the team will help you analyze your business and make the WhatsApp Business API more fruitful for your business.

You may benefit from strong tools and features that can help you enhance client interactions and expand your business by registering for the WhatsApp Official API.

Don't miss this chance to improve your WhatsApp presence and provide your consumers with an even better experience.

Discover the Power of WhatsApp Broadcasts with Anantya.ai: A revolutionary changer for business communication

If you are finding WhatsApp broadcasts a bit limiting for your business, you need to check out Anantya. WhatsApp is a business API that offers plenty of exciting features to make customer communication way better.

With Anantya, you can automate a bunch of tasks and make your communication efforts way more efficient and useful. You’ll get access to APIs and integrations, which means you can perform all the cool tasks.

  • Imagine sending bulk messages to a large group of your consumers.
  • Make your message templates look fancy.
  • With Anantya, you can get a detailed survey report of your message campaigns.
  • Schedule your WhatsApp messages for unlimited customers.
  • Make your marketing easy with Anantya’s campaign management.

By teaming up with Anantya.ai, you can really unleash the power of WhatsApp for your business. It’ll help you keep your customers engaged and happy, and you’ll achieve some awesome results.

Worried about Meta’s new policy change? Anantya.ai has a solution for you, with its SMS Fallback feature, you can send messages that will reach the customer even if their internet is off! Book a demo now! To learn more about this exciting feature.


WhatsApp broadcasts are a fantastic way for businesses to boost their business and connect with their customers. While the regular WhatsApp Business App has limitations, using the WhatsApp Business API, especially with platforms like Anantay.ai, takes things to a whole new level.

With the WhatsApp Business API, you can automate tasks, send messages to unlimited users, and get detailed reports about how your messages are doing.

Whether you stick with the basic app or upgrade to the API, the goal is to keep improving how you communicate with your customers.

By doing that, you can make the most of WhatsApp and take your business to new heights.

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Question

You can send a message to several contacts at once using a WhatsApp broadcast list, keeping recipients hidden from one another.

It's a useful tool for business owners like you to send announcements, updates, or promotional messages straight to your clients' WhatsApp accounts without having a WhatsApp group.

Open WhatsApp and select the "Chats" option to start a broadcast list. Choose "New broadcast" by tapping the menu (three dots in the upper right corner).

Click "Create" after selecting the contacts you wish to include in your broadcast list. As a result, you will be able to communicate with several contacts at once, just like in a single conversation.

You can only send a broadcast message to a certain number of contacts on WhatsApp. A single broadcast list may now include up to 256 contacts.

This limit makes sure your communications are sent quickly while maintaining the provider's quality and dependability.

You absolutely can. Once you send a WhatsApp broadcast message, you may check who has received and read it by tapping on the message and choosing 'Info'.

You can monitor the reach and engagement of your communication with the help of this function.

A WhatsApp group allows for group communication since all participants can view and respond to each other's messages.

A WhatsApp broadcast list, on the other hand, delivers messages to each recipient personally. They get your message just like any other, and they respond to you alone—not to everyone on the list.

The people in your address book who have saved your phone number will be the only ones who get your WhatsApp broadcast messages.

This lowers the possibility of spam by ensuring that the communications you send are to those who already know you or your company.

An option to schedule broadcast messages is not provided by WhatsApp itself.

To improve the effectiveness of your messages, you may plan and automate your WhatsApp broadcasts using third-party applications or business solutions like Anantya.ai.

WhatsApp broadcasts are a useful tool for businesses to provide customized updates, special offers, invites to events, and important notifications.

It's an effective method of keeping channels of contact open and personal with your customers, improving customer relations.

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