whatsapp chatbot for business

How to Create a WhatsApp ChatBot in Just a Few Steps

Update on 25 May 2024

Looking for different ways to boost your business or provide better customer support while using a WhatsApp chatbot?

Then you are not alone!

As we all already know, WhatsApp is a popular messaging platform, making it one of the great choices for seamless communication with customers through a WhatsApp chatbot. With the WhatsApp Business API, businesses can create and engage customers more efficiently and interactively.

Now, as WhatsApp Chatbot has such huge benefits, let’s explore more things about it and how one can create a WhatsApp chatbot by simply following these steps.

What is a WhatsApp chatbot?

A WhatsApp chatbot is like having a virtual assistant for your business on WhatsApp. It is basically a computer programme that can automatically answer questions from customers about a given product or service. It can also share useful content and send updates about orders, payments, and shipping directly through WhatsApp.

When a customer messages your business through WhatsApp, the chatbot in WhatsApp comes into action to assist them. This can be responded to with text messages, images, buttons, or even videos to provide real-time help and support.

The WhatsApp chatbot feature is accessible through the WhatsApp Business API. It’s one of the easiest ways to streamline customer communication and provide quick assistance whenever your customers need it.

Want to know how the WhatsApp Chatbot can help your business flourish with customers' positive reviews? Let’s get a deep dive into why businesses should use the WhatsApp chatbot.

Why should businesses use WhatsApp chatbots?

Do you agree that not all of us are developers? However, that doesn't mean we need to know how to code to use the WhatsApp Business API.

To make things easier, you’ll need the tools to answer your customer's queries. This tool does all the hard work for you by creating a WhatsApp chatbot as per your needs, which is super simple and understandable for you and your consumers.

You must first decide what you want the WhatsApp chatbot to achieve for your company. Which issue are you trying to resolve? Answers can help you activate your chatbot and begin to see results as soon as you have an idea in mind.

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Benefits of Using WhatsApp ChatBots

Improve your customer support.

Any customer service channel's main responsibility is to quickly resolve user complaints.

The process is made easier by a WhatsApp chatbot, which guarantees that users feel respected and heard by offering prompt responses.

This promotes brand loyalty in addition to raising client satisfaction.

Boost Chances for Sales and Engagement

The basis of any effective business strategy is engagement. Chatbot platforms for WhatsApp offer engaging conversational tools that get potential customers closer to the sales channel. This interactive strategy may improve the overall user experience in addition to increasing purchases.

Create a 24/7 communication channel.

With a WhatsApp chatbot, your business can remain open and active around the clock, even in a world where clients may be in different time zones.

By being available around the clock, you can guarantee that client inquiries are handled promptly, showing your dedication to meeting their demands and creating a chatbot flow that is constantly lively and responsive

Improve consumer trust and loyalty.

Improved consumer satisfaction and loyalty can be achieved by allowing contact through the preferred service, thereby leading to an increase in brand trust and loyalty.

Up to 52% of consumers prefer brands that provide convenient experiences.

Automate Frequently Asked Questions Responses

The capacity of a WhatsApp chatbot for businesses to consistently and accurately respond to frequently asked questions is one of its most notable capabilities.

Businesses can save time and resources by training their chatbots to identify frequently asked questions and provide prompt answers, thanks to the WhatsApp Business API connection.

So, as mentioned above, there are multiple benefits to using a chatbot in your business. Let's see how you can easily create a WhatsApp chatbot by simply following these steps.

Steps to Create WhatsApp Chatbots in 2024

Step 1: Choose the Best Platform

While creating a WhatsApp chatbot, you have two choices: whether you can code it or use a powerful, no-code chatbot platform.

It would be best to build it using a no-code chatbot platform like Anantya.ai. Ultimately, there's no reason to tirelessly code a chatbot when you can create a visual chatbot for WhatsApp. Compared to if you decided to develop it yourself, we can assist you in getting your bot up and running so you can start pleasing your customers much sooner.

We have WhatsApp chatbots that are ready to be used for any industry and use case; this reduces the time it takes to go live.

Step 2: Requirements for implementing chatbots on WhatsApp

You must first be able to use the business API for WhatsApp. Through its partners, WhatsApp provides access to these APIs directly.

By using Anantya.ai, you will be eligible to access the WhatsApp Business API platform while creating the Free Chat Bot for your business.

Additionally, you must have a confirmed Facebook Business Manager (FBM) account in order to obtain WhatsApp bot API access

Also, you must set up a phone number to use as your WhatsApp business phone number.

You must ensure that this number can accept calls because WhatsApp will call it to verify and activate it for your WhatsApp Business Account.

Step 3: Log in with Anantya.ai

Once you are all done with the procedure of setting your WhatsApp Business API in your account at Anantya.ai.

You get the login credentials for the Anantya.ai Platform from our team, and the page window will appear as shown below.

By simply typing the given login and password, you can log in to Anantya.ai’s API platform.

Step 4: Dashboard Panel

Once you log in to the panel, you will get to see the dashboard, which has multiple options. For creating a chatbot, you should choose the “Bot setup” option on the left-hand side corner.

In the bot setup, you will find six different ways to set up a bot. Each of these steps will be explained personally by our team to make your WhatsApp chatbot journey easy.

First Option

Keyword Auto Reply: This function is used to automatically send messages to the customers if they trigger specific keywords, which are created by the user or the client.

For example, if there is a client who has a grocery store, Now he wants his customers to know about the current offers available at their store. So we will create a keyword named "Offers" and put a button on the chatbot with the same keyword as an option.

When the customer clicks on the "Offers" button, the bot will understand the keyword and trigger the message that we have created for the "Offers" keyword automatically for the customer.

Second Option

Welcome message: In this option, if a customer has come to the client's Whatsapp for the first time, a welcome message will be sent automatically to the customer.

The user can create a welcome message of his own by clicking on the "Add Welcome Message" button (as shown in the screenshot).

Third Option

Out of Office: If a customer tries to chat before or after the client's working hours, then an Out of Office message will be sent to the customer.

Again, here, users can create a message of their own and mention the days and times of their operation according to their needs.

Fourth Option

Bot Setup: Here, anantya.ai will share a sample chatflow format with the client; the user will then use that format to create a chatflow tailored to his needs and share it with us.

We will then create a chatbot for the client. Then, customers can use services, order, buy, get information, and make payments with the help of the chatbot.

Fifth Option

Feedback Message: Once a chat with the customer is over, the client gets an option to close the chat.

When he closes a chat, an automatic feedback message will be sent to the customer (as mentioned in the screenshot).

He can create and add a feedback message using the "Add Feedback Message" button. As seen in the below image.

Sixth Option

Quick reply: For some basic keywords, we can create quick reply messages to send to customers.

For example, if we set a quick reply message for the word "location," automatically a quick reply will go to the customer saying, "Our location is ." The client can use the "Add quick reply" button and can enter a title and their quick reply messages.


Creating a WhatsApp chatbot for your business will also enhance your customer support, boost sales and engagement, and improve overall customer satisfaction.

By following these few steps and using powerful tools like Anantya.ai, businesses can simply set up a WhatsApp chatbot to streamline communication with their customers and provide them with quick and efficient assistance.

With the advantages of automation and 24/7 availability, WhatsApp chatbots offer a convenient and effective solution for businesses looking to enhance their customer service and drive growth.

Frequently Asked Question

Either the WhatsApp Business App or the WhatsApp Business Platform can be used to link your WhatsApp chatbot service. Small businesses should choose the first option, but if you require more than basic automation, you will need to engage developers to build chatbots on your behalf.

However, because Anantya.ai is a WhatsApp business solution provider, the second choice makes integration quick and easy.

Your company must have access to the official WhatsApp Business API and a confirmed Facebook Business account in order to successfully integrate a chatbot with WhatsApp.

You also require a registered business phone number on WhatsApp.

Broadcasts can be used to send people through paths, messages with options, and simple text messages. You can even plan your broadcasts and direct them to particular user segments with our help.

You must utilize a template message if you want to broadcast messages on WhatsApp after the 24-hour deadline has passed.

All you need to do is use the Template Message node to set up the templates right in the conversation flow while creating your WhatsApp AI chatbot.

WhatsApp uses its partners to distribute its business APIs. With our platform, Anantya.ai will assist you in gaining access to the WhatsApp API when you construct a free chatbot. Additionally, you can acquire a 24-hour verification of your WhatsApp AI number.

WhatsApp marketing is growing, and you need to take advantage of this by using WhatsApp to connect with your clients. Therefore, even though implementing your WhatsApp AI chatbot isn't free, we can assist you in doing so at a reasonable cost because of our relationships with WhatsApp API providers.

Medium-sized and big organizations use the WhatsApp Business API to increase consumer engagement on WhatsApp with interactive buttons, broadcasts, templates, and other unique capabilities that aren't found in the WhatsApp Business App.

Large companies with lots of clients and a business suite that connects with their other software, processes, and data are the ones who use it the most.

Yes, the Anantya.ai WhatsApp API service provider offers you free chatbot use with the WhatsApp API platform Connectivity.

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