whatsapp business api for healthcare

How to Use WhatsApp for Healthcare: A Simple Guide

Update on 29 March 2024

With a large user base of 2.79 billion people globally, WhatsApp is not only just for chatting; it’s also helping to save lives!

Remember, especially during the tough times of the world health pandemic, visiting the doctor was not as simple as compared to today.

That was a time when WhatsApp played a heroic role, and the credit here goes to the World Health Organization’s health alerts, which spread awareness about COVID-19 through WhatsApp. It shared information about symptoms and precautions while making it simple to stay informed and safe.

Not only during the pandemic, but still, WhatsApp is a real lifesaver in healthcare, offering multiple ways to connect with patients and share essential information.

Let’s dig into the world of WhatsApp healthcare and see just how much it can do for us!

Problems Facing the Healthcare Sector

These days, more and more people want top-notch healthcare without being bothered to visit the doctor in person. However, the outdated methods used by hospitals to manage patients are no longer acceptable.

As you can see, most people try to schedule checkup appointments online or over the phone. The issue is that using such approaches makes it difficult to immediately ask follow-up inquiries.

And talking over the phone about every last aspect of their examination? It is not quite simple. Plus, hospitals receive so many calls every day that patients have to wait for hours to speak with an actual person. How frustrating!

The solution is WhatsApp!

Today, WhatsApp has simplified the user’s path like never before, especially in the healthcare sector. WhatsApp Business API provides a lot of features in terms of accuracy and speed, which has benefited the healthcare industry.

As discussed above, the World Health Organization (WHO) is a good example of it, as it teamed up with WhatsApp to spread COVID-19 awareness.


A recent study shows that with WhatsApp, the need for in-person appointments has decreased significantly for medical experts and physicians.

Hospitals need to start using WhatsApp as the primary messaging app, as it is the preferred choice for the majority of users. But here is the condition: you can’t use a regular WhatsApp account for this. You’ll need the WhatsApp Business API to do the job right.

What is the WhatsApp Business API for healthcare?

The WhatsApp Business API is a game-changer for healthcare organizations. It not only helps them connect with a large number of patients and clients, but it also makes the chat feel more personal.

With the use of the WhatsApp Business API for healthcare, patients can now easily schedule, confirm, or change appointments with just a message. Plus, using an AI healthcare chatbot, you get auto-reminders, which means fewer missed appointments, making both patients and staff happier.

Healthcare providers can also use the WhatsApp Business API to keep track of patient records and send helpful medication reminders. This helps patients follow their treatment plans, leading to better health in the long run.

With WhatsApp Business API Healthcare, patients can receive updates and test results directly on the app. And you know the best part of it: if patients have any questions or concerns, healthcare professionals can respond quickly, giving patients peace of mind.

WhatsApp Business API for healthcare is the smart choice for all kinds of businesses because it connects easily with current healthcare systems.

In addition, it’s cost-effective in the long term, which, as a result, saves lots of money compared to traditional communication methods. Let's find out some more advantages of the WhatsApp Business API in the healthcare sector.

To implement the WhatsApp business API in the healthcare sector, you must have a brief knowledge of WhatsApp broadcasting. Check out our blog on WhatsApp broadcasting.

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Advantages of the WhatsApp API for Healthcare

WhatsApp for healthcare provides a variety of advantages for healthcare experts and patients. WhatsApp has changed the way healthcare services are delivered and managed. Let’s dig in deeper.

Communicate effectively with the WhatsApp Business API.

WhatsApp Business API Healthcare allows medical professionals to connect securely, swiftly, and economically. Thanks to instant messaging, healthcare professionals may rapidly share updates, medical reports, and critical information with patients and coworkers. Both patient care and decision-making are improved by it.

Appointment Reminders

Healthcare institutions can use WhatsApp to notify patients about their forthcoming visits, which will reduce the number of missed appointments. This straightforward yet helpful benefit boosts the effectiveness of healthcare delivery while ensuring patients receive the attention they need.

Cost-Effective Communication

Both consumers and healthcare providers may find regular phone calls and SMS texts to be costly. WhatsApp provides a more cost-effective means of communication, enabling a larger patient population to receive healthcare services.

Emergency Support

In case of an emergency, patients can contact clinics or medical specialists via WhatsApp. Instant access may be quite beneficial, particularly when quick judgments and guidance are needed.

Telemedicine and consultations

Telemedicine and virtual consultations have been made feasible via WhatsApp. Patients may communicate with medical experts via the website, share symptoms, ask inquiries, and even request medication refills. This will be especially helpful for patients with chronic diseases or minor health issues.

How do I use WhatsApp in the healthcare sector?

Healthcare companies use the WhatsApp Business API to create special groups just for patients. These groups all provide support, share information, and get everyone involved in the community.

With WhatsApp for healthcare, patients can find all sorts of helpful tips about staying healthy and living a good life. The aim is to keep everyone well and prevent sickness.

Now, let’s talk about how to ask about health stuff on WhatsApp. It’s a bit important, so let’s dive in and get some examples for your business.

WhatsApp for Healthcare

Appointment Reminders

Instant patient engagement

Real-time Feedback

Health Announcements and Updates

Personalized patient support

Run targeted marketing campaigns.

Get Authenticity with Green Tick

Appointment Reminders

Healthcare providers may experience inefficiencies and lost income as a result of missed appointments. By using WhatsApp to automate appointment reminders, you may increase patient attendance. This little action can enhance patient care and drastically lower the number of no-shows.

Schedule appointments and set up notifications and reminders automatically. Make scheduling consultations, examinations, and other appointments easier.

One can easily use Anantya.ai to automate appointment reminders on WhatsApp by connecting your CRM with Anantya.ai.

Instant patient engagement

Adding a free WhatsApp button to your website will immediately engage patients. Users may 'click-to-chat' to establish a connection with you on WhatsApp if you have placed a WhatsApp button.

Once you have a WhatsApp button on your website, all people have to do to connect with you on WhatsApp is "click to chat."

This direct link promotes community building and active involvement in health care. By adding this WhatsApp button to your website, you may easily engage a large number of website visitors.

Real-time Feedback

"78% of users back out of purchases due to poor customer experience."
Usually, companies seek customer feedback on their goods and services by email or SMS. Furthermore, those emails are disregarded or not opened 65% of the time.

However, using WhatsApp, you can encourage people to re-engage in addition to receiving fast feedback on your goods 98% of the time.

To improve customer comfort, send Quick Reply buttons to consumers and ask for their comments

When they press the feedback button, your WhatsApp chatbot automatically sends them an offer to buy something else.

Health Announcements and Updates

You may broadcast messages to an unlimited number of users about new health services, upgrades, and instructional content—this is one of the top use cases of the WhatsApp Business API for Healthcare.

By keeping patients and medical staff informed at all times, this real-time communication improves the patient experience.

To notify your opted-in subscribers of all these changes and announcements, you may set up a WhatsApp newsletter.

Personalized patient support

Personalized one-on-one live chats on WhatsApp might help you establish trust. Respond to inquiries promptly, promoting a helpful and interesting medical atmosphere.

In a patient's medical journey, this personalized touch may mean the world.

Run targeted marketing campaigns.

Use Anantya.ai retargeting campaigns for WhatsApp to target and filter particular audiences. Increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by contacting the right individuals at the right time and generating more conversions.

For example, Imagine for a moment that you want to communicate with users who viewed your previous broadcast message. It is simple to see who has seen your message and to retarget them with your most recent one! Given that these users previously engaged with your broadcast, there is a tenfold increased likelihood that this message will be read.

Get Authenticity with Green Tick

With WhatsApp, Green Tick showcases your brand’s credibility on WhatsApp. Apply for a Green Tick free of charge with the help of Anantya.ai.

It offers a clear statement of your dedication to truth and quality.


Using the WhatsApp Business API for healthcare is a game-changer, making it simpler for patients to connect with medical experts and access important information.

With its wide reach and user-friendly features, WhatsApp is changing the healthcare sector, from appointment scheduling to providing real-time updates and personalized support.

By using the WhatsApp Business API, healthcare organizations can schedule timely communication, reduce missed appointments, and improve patient care, all while saving time and money.

The WhatsApp Business API helps them deliver and manage better healthcare services for their patients and staff. So, why are you waiting? Choose the best WhatsApp business API provider, like Anantya. ai for your business, and sprinkle the magic of WhatsApp in your business.

Frequently Asked Question

When used appropriately and in accordance with security regulations, WhatsApp may be a secure medium for medical communications. Anantya.ai, a supplier of the WhatsApp Business API, increases this security by providing industry-standard encrypted messaging solutions.

For example, the Anantya.ai platform may assist in making sure that sensitive data is safeguarded, access is restricted, and messages are encrypted.

Healthcare professionals must, however, always exercise caution when it comes to patient privacy and follow local laws governing the sharing of medical records.

Medical providers may use the WhatsApp Business API for healthcare to share test results, make appointments, offer advice, and even conduct virtual consultations. Quick and direct communication with patients is made simpler, which enhances patient care and participation.

Yes, healthcare facilities may communicate internally using WhatsApp. It allows efficient information sharing, teamwork on patient problems, and emergency preparedness among medical personnel. It's a helpful tool for enhancing healthcare team communication.

Patients may use the WhatsApp chatbot for healthcare to schedule, confirm, or reschedule appointments, get prescription refills, and even participate in telemedicine sessions. These features make it simpler and easier to obtain healthcare services.

Understanding WhatsApp's business and commerce regulations is crucial, as they stipulate rules for pharmacies and prohibit the sale of medical products. Additionally, healthcare institutions must be aware of local laws like GDPR and HIPAA while handling patient data via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is popular among doctors because it's easy to use, convenient, and allows for speedy contact with patients and colleagues.

By using Anantya.ai services, medical professionals may communicate confidential medical reports, follow-up instructions, appointment reminders, and moreover WhatsApp for healthcare.

Anantya.ai can use WhatsApp's ease of use and productivity to help uphold the professionalism and safety needed in the healthcare industry.

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