How to Add Agent Sublogin: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Deepika yadav

Enabling multiple agents to log in to the same account and reach customers on WhatsApp Web and Mobile is a fantastic way to improve your customer support experience.

As the owner, You can add multiple agents & assign roles to those agents in Panel easily.

In this tutorial, you'll know how to assign roles to agents in Panel.

Steps to create Agents in Panel

Step 1: Access the Agent Section

First, log in as the owner of the account. Once you're in, look to the left side of your screen for the "Agents" section.

Step 2: Create a New Agent

In the "Agent" section, you'll either see a list of existing agents or an empty agent dashboard. To add a new agent, locate the "Create Agent" button in the top right corner of the page and click on it.

Step 3: Fill Out the Form

After clicking "Create Agent," a new window will pop up, requesting information about the agent you're adding.


Choose Role Type: Decide whether this person will be a regular agent or an agent head, who oversees others.

Select Reporting Structure: Specify who this new agent will report to or work under within your organization.

Provide Official Information: Fill in all the necessary details about the agent, ensuring accuracy.

Set a Strong Password: Create a secure password for the new agent to use.


Once you've double-checked that all the information is correct, look for the button to finalize the agent creation. Click it.

Well done! You've added the sub-agent to the agent section and made a new agent with the details you provided. Remember to keep the login information safe and share it only with the new agent in a secure way.

Now that you've successfully created a sub-agent, learn more about how to assign chats to these agents.